Have you ever given much thought to thought? Thought is always either a memory about the past or a fantasy about the future. Thoughts appear in the present, but their content is always about the past or future because there is never enough time in the present to have a thought about the present. You can’t think that fast. By the time you think about an event, it is already in the past. The late, great and rightly named comic genius, Mitch Hedburg, was well aware that the thoughts flying through one’s head are merely the tip of the iceberg. He used humor to point out the fleeting nature of thought with the following joke.
One time, this guy handed me a picture of himself. He said, “Here’s a picture of me when I was younger.” Every picture of you is of you when you were younger. Now tell me, “Here’s a picture of me when I’m older,” and I’ll say, “How’d you pull that off?! Lemme see that camera… what’s it look like?”When we try to capture or take in the moment with thought, we are like pathetic tourists, everywhere, incessantly flashing photos, so busy documenting the life God has given us now in hopes of getting around to enjoying it later. But the after-life looms forever on the horizon and is unobtainable except through Christ. To live a Christ-Centered life means to live in the present. In Holy Scripture we are admonished to keep the image of Christ upon the Cross constantly before our eyes, like crosshairs which help us keep from looking beyond the mark. “Let all thy thoughts be directed unto the Lord,” says Alma (Alma 37:36). LDSA does a nice job of exploring this principle in his post entitled, “And the Labor Which They Had to Perform Was To Look.” How can we walk by faith if we are forever focusing on one of the two thieves of time known as past and future, who are hanging on either side of Christ Jesus as a distraction?
Scriptures can help but scriptures are just scripts and when we become too sure of our script the same script-sure in which we think we have eternal life (John 5:39), starts to play tricks on our mind. One more joke from Hedburg illustrates the prideful position man takes in relation to his God when he fails to understand that everything has meaning and that meaning is multi-layered and endless.
“I wrote a script and gave it to a guy that reads scripts. And he read it and said he really likes it, but he thinks I need to rewrite it. I said, “F#¢% that, I’ll just make a copy.”Forget what you think. It is outdated. It is preventative to the flow of faith. For example, right now you’re probably thinking, “What does all this have to do with genocide?” In the words of Tevye, the Yiddish milkman, “I’ll tell you…I don’t know.” That is the best that our thought can produce without help from on high – TRADITION! The false traditions of the fathers are false gods. When man has a thought it produces a form which hovers above his head. This thought-form will glean, collect, seek out, solicit and even provoke the production of similar thought that it may cleave with itself. Cleave is an interesting verb which can mean either ‘to split’ or ‘to stick to’. Thought forms can be divisive and work ‘to cleave’ our brains right down the corpus callosum. They also cleave to anything of a similar vibration. We read in D&C 88:40, that:
“Intelligence cleaveth unto intelligence; wisdom receiveth wisdom; truth embraceth truth; virtue loveth virtue; light cleaveth unto light; mercy hath compassion on mercy and claimeth her own; justice continueth its course and claimeth its own”But in our pride do we fail to connect this with earlier verses in this same section which clearly state that Christ himself is in and through all things, the light of truth? Our faulty thinking can see only one thing at any given moment and it rejects more than it reflects the light of Christ which is in all things. If our thoughts truly reflect the light then the resulting thought forms will recognize the same light in others. We will comprehend all things as our own. But tragically, most apply the words of the scriptures in a destructive and partial manner, claiming, cleaving to, embracing and loving only that which looks like their selves in terms of gender or race. By this point in history the atmosphere above our heads is thick with pollution and the resulting fog of mistaken thought forms thick mists of darkness which lead many astray. Whereas thought could be used as a laser beam of precision to direct in the way we should go, more often than not we find that the valve is broken and the eternal flow from Right and Left hemispheres of our brain, clash violently.
The House of David is the House Divided. Seen as a dangerous and foreign fertility goddess, feeling is fought by thought. Thinking to ourselves that “Father knows best” we secede the rights of divine Kingship over to Saul who is solar (Saul-ar), masculine (Mask-you-line), 100% Man! He’s got the crown, the armor, everything. Only one slight problem – there is no such thing as 100% man since masculinity is only 50% of the universe at most, just as the sunshine is only half of each day. So inevitably David, the young punk, poet-king breaks up the line of succession, switches up the direction and eventually gives rise to Solomon. Sol-o-Mon, as his name indicates, is a balanced mix of Solar and Lunar energy. This is what makes him such a wise, feeling and thinking, ruler.
I am not saying that all of these characters were merely symbolic, they are real in of themselves, but they are obviously, additionally, signs and types of something more real than dynasties which come and go through the ages. Every thought of man is by nature a passing one. All empires are based on thought. That’s why they all come and go. Only two in the history of the world have even made it to the thousand year mark. (If you don’t know about the Vedic and Aksumite empires, you might wanna aksumbody.) The overwhelming majority of earthly kingdoms last much less than 500 years. Meanwhile we have the Aboriginal peoples of Australia who, in isolated pockets, have been living with the same order since the dawn of time.
In this age, thought is more tyrannical than anything. Each bunk brick we lay at the behest of the Pharaonic (or we could say paranoiac) Line of Thought, only buttresses belief in bloated priest-hood-lums. Every line of reasoning that gave rise to lines of authority, to keep us in line throughout the delineation of time up to this modern era, has done so by the use of little lines configured into letters, strung into words and sentences served in bondage to man’s law. Linguistics is not in of itself evil. It is a wonderful tool given us by a loving Father in Heaven. But beware of cunning linguists who seek to transpose your personal and private modes of divine discourse. Always remember:
”Every man prays in his own language, and there is no language that God does not understand.“Thus spoke Duke Ellington, a man who attuned himself to the music of the spheres to channel joy into the hearts of people. But even music can be deconstructed and used for the nefarious purposes of the ‘boys only’ band of robber barons which oppress us today. Linga-linga-ling! Is the sound of the bells, and Shiva’s lingam is resembled by the shape of the whistles which bid us slave and languish under the self-proclaimed Masters of Language. Pharaoah’s priests are not magical only tricky. Linguistically removing the Phallic ‘Ph’ of ‘Ph-araonic’ bloodlines, then rearranging the DNA into an impossible base pairing of (a)denine to (a)denine for a supposedly new and improved AAronic Priesthood, only results in a lesser priesthood or having less priesthood. The refined spirit of the Prophet Joseph sweeping the land today, more alive than the living-dead zombie leaders in Salt Lake, trumps all past foolishness and urges us to abolish the useless and non-eternal, Old Testament idea that….
“God made Aaron to be the mouthpiece for the children of Israel, and He will make me be god to you in His stead, and the Elders to be mouth for me; and if you don’t like it, you must lump it.”In latter-day practice Aaronic Priesthood is nothing more than a spiritual castration. Political eunuchs are needed to serve under higher-ranking priests in the false order. As guardians of wicked rulers’ harems, it is essential that they can be trusted not to share’em. Priesthood which is designated as Aaronic, apart from being based on a false concept altogether, is, in a way, also a misnomer. As it is currently used among LDS, the thing should more accurately be termed the Eunuch Priesthood. Of course this is all a joke, as the real and royal priesthood which is meant to serve alongside and be served by the Melchizedek Priesthood is not this Eunuch Priesthood but the Yonic Priesthood. This organization should and shall be filled by Queens and Priestesses of immense power not witnessed on the earth since pre-His-Story when Her-Story swept stoically and majestically across the land. Women enjoyed great power until the reforms of king Urukagina of Lagash (ca. 2300 BC)
Joseph Smith — History of the Church 6:319-320
Today’s world is one where almost all Holy Priesthood is of almost no effect, almost all of the time, since, according to D&C 121:39, “it is the nature and disposition of almost all men” to exercise unrighteous dominion almost as soon as they think they have gotten a little authority. But shedding the natural-man, orthodoxy-mormon, we can see that ‘all/most’ is an oxy-moron. Most is not all and “almost all men” does not necessarily mean that “almost all men and women” are equally susceptible to corruption. Let me be clear, the Brains & Brawn approach of the false priesthood definitely draws on Eva Braun’s evil energy for in-fellation of the ba-looney mind-state of the Great Brain. But Most of the Universe, in terms of mass, is composed of Mater-n-al Mater-i-al (Madona is a Material Girl). The Divine Mask-u-line does not take up the same amount of Space as he disseminates himself to fill her immensity. (D&C 88:12) Most of All, D&C 121 is the Word of God to LDS people, explaining that the fullness of the operation of Pre-Stood power depends entirely on the co-operation of men and women in unison. Miracles are only possible when copulation between Left and Right brain hemispheres occurs. Personal harmony is the key and as Justin has written regarding this topic….
“The Eastern concept of the yin and yang is a symbol for explaining the dance that goes on between the masculine and feminine aspects within each individual person. Whether we chose to have a male or female gender as a personage – we are all comprised of masculine and feminine particles, aspects, and characteristics. When in balance within an individual person, the right-brain-heart will receive [feminine/yin] inspiration and the left-brain-mind will act upon [masculine/yang] that idea and be the tool that carries out the will.”The greater part of the majority of male humans are obviously corrupt and much of the female population may very well be infected too. But what is that part that hath corrupted the vineyard? Is it not the loftiness of the branches or the haughtiness of so much thoughtiness, which doth encumber the trees? If the Left Brain activity were to be trimmed back, we would suddenly and automatically find the critical mass, so sorely needed to deliver the Zion Child into this world. It is not to be found in yet another quorum of brethren but in our sisters and mothers. Or in other words: Jack Sprat could eat no fat, His Wife could eat no lean, and so, betwixt them both, they licked the platter clean. Aaronically and ironically, it is always the thought we most quickly dismiss which is, in reality, the Chief Cornerstone. Square in-between the two great ones (Thought and Feeling) is the greatest. Between The Father and The Mother, is cradled the Soulution to all our problems. He is the Answer to the questions of all the ages.
In chemistry, which comes to us from Khemet (the Black Land of Ham), a solution is a homogeneous mixture composed of only one phase (state of matter). In such a mixture, a solute (male priesthood) is a substance dissolved in another substance, known as a solvent (female priesthood). The solvent does the dissolving. Jamaican Patois translation: Di Queen, She duz di solvin’. So if we ever want to solve humanity’s problems we will have to confess the vital and eternal greatness of the woman. Then, in harmony, we may watch as the problems are dissolved before our very eyes. Chemistry also shows that the Solution (Son) more or less takes on the characteristics of the Solvent (Mother Matter) including its phase, and the solvent is commonly the major fraction of the mixture. The concentration of a Solute (Father) in a solution is a measure of how much of that solute is dissolved in the solvent. Here then, we are given the formula for creating Christ Children. The proper role of thought in this process is as a concentrator to direct the condescension of God the Father into Material/Maternal form.
When Nephi saw the Virgin in vision, he was asked by the angel, “Knowest thou the condescension of God?” (1 Nephi 11:16), he answered humbly, “I know that he loveth his children; nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things.” After which Nephi sees that the Virgin was carried away in the Spirit, and after the space of a time, he sees her bearing a child in her arms. Obviously there was a whole 9 month gestational period and the birthing itself that fateful night in Bethlehem. But the vision seems to flash forward, like in a movie where the sex scene is implied but not explicitly shown. Had Nephi been able to reply that he did indeed know the condescension of God, would the angel have let the akashic footage of the Immaculate Conception play out unedited and thereby clear up much of the mystery surrounding that event?
As it is, we are left to speculate. I do not believe that tenth president of the LDS Church, Joseph Fielding Smith, could honestly answer that he understood the matter any better than Nephi. But he certainly sounded sure of himself when he said, “Christ was not begotten of the Holy Ghost. Christ was begotten of God. He was not born without the aid of man, and that man was God!” (Doctrines of Salvation, V. 1, pg. 18, 1954). Unlike President Smith, I do not pretend to know. But also unlike his critics I do not exclude any possibilities, judging them by the inappropriate human perversion of incest. Neither do I believe in the catholic version of the Immaculate Conception. The record says that the angel Gabriel “came in unto” Mary, whereas an angel appears to Joseph in a dream only. Whether by angel, spirit, or even a roman soldier as recent theorists have speculated, there is no doubt that it was done by the power of God. I, like Nephi, do not know the meaning of all things, but I do know that God loves His children. My belief in and first-hand knowledge of that love and its power leaves my mind open to any possibility even one as seemingly horrendous as impregnation by a roman soldier. The Holy Spirit has the power to purify even the lowliest of forms. Stranger vehicles for the work of the Lord have been used and what could have concentrated Mary’s thoughts more intensely on the desire for the promised Messiah who would deliver all men from oppression? No matter the details of the matter, it was done according to the words of the angel by the power of the Most High and through the pure faith of His Handmaiden.
The coming together of divine masculine and feminine energies, the sacred art of Sexual Alchemy, of which, sciences such as metallurgy and chemistry are merely an externalized furtherance, may be badly misused, but as a point of convergence between the seen and unseen, it at least still provides explanations for many occurrences in observable reality which will elude most men, whether they be of scientific mind, religious or both. These two seemingly split camps are in fact joined by an invisible medium through which they perceive each other as enemies on a battle field. This misunderstood and usually unacknowledged medium is also the force through which either party works what they refer to as modern miracles. The miracle of birth will remain the greatest of all. But this condescension of God is not limited to the moment of conception. In fact, later on in Chapter 11 of 1 Nephi, Nephi hears his angel guide announce: “Look and behold the condescension of God!” The images that follow are of Jesus’ Baptism at the hand of John and the immediate descending and abiding of the Holy Ghost upon Him. This coming of the Holy Ghost upon an individual is the common element in both Mary and Jesus’ experiences. If the Holy Ghost is interpreted as the Divine Feminine, as per all ancient Hebrew and Gnostic scripture, then we see at play that same truth expressed in chemistry, namely, that the Solution (Son) more or less takes on the characteristics of the Solvent (Mother Matter) including its phase, and the solvent is commonly the major fraction of the mixture. The ratio of Divine Masculine to Divine Feminine energy throughout the universe at any given moment never exceeds 50/50 and is more often than not, expressed in a 40/60 balance. The more subconscious the dosage of The Word, and the more the mixture favors Humanity, the more potent the message.
This is why Jesus came primarily to preach to the Jew but to redeem also the Gentile. His mission: To remind the Jews of their own roots in a distant past when it wasn’t just about what ‘jew’ did and not at all about what ‘jew’ looked like. Anyone could be a Hebrew, welcome and accepted within the laid-back and loving camp of Abraham and Sarah. Simultaneously set apart from the rest and one with all, they reveal God’s wisdom. For whenever a thing is split, by absolutely any ratio of fractions, there are always two factions. Which will survive? -That remnant which lends itself to mixture. Throughout all scripture and throughout the Book of Life, you will never see God work with a remnant without mixing it. He is a chemist, nay, The Chemist or Al-Chemist of all creation. Hebrew hardens into Jew, necessitating a breakdown wherein Jew is preserved in Sephardim, further morphed into Ladino, later becoming Latino. In Spanish there is a little rhyme that says,
“En lo puro no hay futuro. La pureza está en la mezcla” – meaning, “There is no future in the pure. Purity is in the mix.”Contrary to our rigid racial stereo-types, ‘Latino’ could describe anyone from the whitest to the blackest with origins in Latin America. Among this Afro-Euro-Moorish mix here in the Americas, there is another important and wide-spread component. That is the additive of the Lamanite remnant which is itself a mixture of various groups. The Nephite blood is here so diffused that it is already non-detectable to the science of genetic researchers. This is because, the particles of solute in solution cannot be seen by the naked eye. Diffusion of the blood leads to distillation of the essence and this distillation not only purifies but literally de-stills, stirs, activates the power of resurrection in the spirit; awakening it and liberating it from its dormant state of bondage.
“As ye have looked upon the long absence of your spirits from your bodies to be a bondage, I will show unto you how the day of redemption shall come, and also the restoration of the scattered Israel.” (D&C 45:17)The Ten Tribes, lost in thought, wonder as they wander through this male-chauvinistic, Male-Chizedek, dominated world. In this state they will always find it necessary to retreat. The only way for us to actually advance in the cause of truth will be to re-think and re-link to those re-ligious re-lics of a time be-fore time. A healthy reintroduction of vitamin B-4 (Adenine) is just the thing to make that link. Taking by the hand, the happy Goddess who was shunned in her Edenic glory and labeled He-donic, we can rescue Mother Earth and her daughters from this He-donic Regression which hacks them into separate parts and views each only in terms of its market value. Learn to love pleasure. Invite love again into the realm of wholesome recreation or it will forever remain tied to guilt in the fragmented domain of whole/some wreck-creation. Guilty pleasure inflicts us with misconceptions and miscarriages as the pure angelic fetuses are smothered in our suffocating sea of unnecessary shame. It leaves us painfully vulnerable to the ravishes of STDs, which bear the signs of having been man-u-fractured in scientific laboratories to indiscriminately kill adults and children by first discriminating against and killing the innocence and free spirit of certain target groups. Stop categorizing your brothers and sisters as Heathens and Sheathens and learn to see-them for who they truly are. Demonyms or gentilics are words that are used to classify people. They seem to serve a helpful function, but too often they’re used to demonize. Class divides and labels limit. To categorize (from kata,”down to” and agora “public assembly,”) is to put down and gossip. Dr. Iyanla Vanzant declares:
“I have a voice. I say the important things that need to be said. I do not waste my voice on gossip, slander or disrespect of myself, my sisters or other people. I know the power of the spoken word and I use my words wisely.”In many modern languages we read from Left to Right. Left Brain thinks it is taking the lead when we read but in actuality, by the passive-aggressive progression of words on the page he is pushing the Heart through a narrow doorway and then thinking himself chivalrous for doing so. “M’lady” turns to malady. In the case of the sequence, D-N-A – where the ‘A’ is Adenine – if we would only return to the order of more ancient tongues (Right to Left) we would discover a world of endless possibilities by simply converting the self-limiting reading of “D-N-A” into an everlasting, open-ended “A-N-D?” Our nice-guy training has remade us in the image of the landed gentry. Genteel cult-sure is nothing more than a bunch of Gentiles parading about as so-called Gentlemen, referring to their spiritually ill ilk as “well-bred” while breeding fellow humans like wild-stock. Too long we have held to a backwards exploitation of the principle of “Ladies First” sending the women on ahead while we hide behind them. This is not putting women first in our lives, as real men should.
No more “Mr. Nice Guy”! Ne (Not) Scire (To Know), To be nice literally means to be stupid, weak, needy and foolish. Of course the greatest foolishness of the “Nice Guy” is in his social training. He will open the door for his wife and children, then along comes an old woman and he is obliged to hold the door for her. Soon a gaggle of unobservant and irreverent teenagers happen along and the Nice Guy’s social standing dictates that he not shut the door in their face, much less the ungrateful and self-absorbed businessman who rushes through the doorway in route for some important meeting no doubt. There is no jamming his ‘door-stop’ programming. He remains paralyzed as the ravenous wolves storm through an open door, manned or we may say un-manned, by his pitiful self. The Nice Ones are sworn to a Nicene Creed, the negative effects and very existence of which, they themselves are oblivious to. The Nice Guys in Ties are killing us. We may say it is the Nazis, but for every Nazi that rises to power there are literally hundreds of Niceys who uphold and sustain them. The Nazis could not do the evil they do without the aid of the Niceys.

To preside with First Lady by your side can be glorious and virtuous, but to rule together with a Quorum of Queens is a heaven much higher than most men, whether Christian, Jew or Muslim, ever reach in this life or the next. How many can sing with the confidence of Fela Anikulapo Kuti?

Somebody come bring trouble
You no talk, you no act
You say you be gentleman
You go suffer
You go tire
You go quench
Me, I no be gentleman like that
I no be gentleman at all
I be African man original!
Gentleman – Fela Kuti
The time is long overdue for all Zion seekers to reassess and challenge the way we think about gender roles. Your thoughts about who you are will never adequately represent who you are. Entrenched thought will trap us in ruts, breaking our backs, digging ditches and falling in them along with the task-masters of Babylonian thought. One of the best ways to stop building Babylon is to stop thinking so much.
“When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it —– ALWAYS.” Mohandas K. GandhiIt is what is back of the thought that, if allowed to break forth in waves strong and steady, will break down the damnation of paralyzed thought processes. Unless put to use as true spiritual training for total revolution, recreational thought of the type engaged in on blogs like this one will deteriorate to wreck-creation-all. What I mean is that any immaterial or material creation based on ideas without eternal spirit basically amounts to a piñata full of sweet nothings and just as the party gets started it will be torn to pieces – by little children no less. Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a man who knew a thing or two about righteous action; having witnessed and stood boldly face to face with the cruelty of genocide, said:
“Action springs not from thought, but from a readiness for responsibility.”So go deep in your heart unafraid and unashamed. What do you feel about the state of affairs in the world today? Now what do you think you ought to do today? If the two do not mesh then some repentance/rethinking is in order. If we have a truly re-pensive attitude we will see that there is no need to correct the heart, only to let it flow. By so doing, the stagnant waters will cleanse themselves naturally. We can put our minds to better use as canals for the fountain of all righteousness and channels for the purification of thought.
I believe that all people, white, black, red or yellow, raised in a society where racism has been (and still is) so prevalent, will have internalized various elements of racist thinking: certain beliefs, stereotypes, assumptions, and judgments about others and themselves. Although the white man is fond of monopolizing things, he by no means has a monopoly on evil. I hope to be perfectly clear when stating that it takes two to tango. But I will touch on this devilish dance later on. Right now I wish to address “my people,” the so-called “Fair Ones”.
The overhang of thought forms peculiar to the Japhetic race could be termed the Collective Caucasian Consciousness or C.C.C. Its mark can be easily identified and is seen in many dark corners, but nowhere more prominently than in the religious realm. 501c3 is the designation for religious organizations granted tax-exempt status in order “that they might the more easily commit adultery, and steal, and kill, and do according to their own wills,” (Helaman 7:5). In the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints we see the formation of that great and abominable Church Correlation Committee in the 1920s which morphed into a Curriculum Correlation Committee in 1960. Originally and intentionally created to keep white American members sheltered from the onslaught Hippies and their Free Love ideology so they could in turn school non-white converts in the double-minded Gentile tradition of “Work We Must But the Lunch is Free”. The Priesthood Correlation Committee, as it came to be called, eventually overran the internationally expanding Church with a crippling Gringo Gospel that stifled the spirit of the saints like never before. Today Mormon manifestations of the C.C.C abound with fine-twined linens and all manner of precious clothing, City Creek Center heralds the arrival of The Golden Man who Lucifer prophesied would be bought and built with precious metals. He has nearly finished his work, making droids of each of us. Indeed we may say along with C3PO, “Protocol is my primary function.” A golden, glittering, automated army of “Mormon Millionaires” join the swarm of killer White Anglo Saxon Protestant churches preaching and practicing “Prosperity Theology” like Christian City Church who in recent years changed its name to simply C3. This conspicuous move shows the raw reasons behind such suspicious yet streamlined, if only subconscious, employ which the Devil makes of the Triple C energy through the minds of man.
What is this synchronicity we see appearing and should it be dismissed as mere coincidence? As a young, gifted and black boy, Michael Jackson sang out simple secrets like, “ABC, as easy as 123,” but when his parents sold him to Master Masons, they indoctrinated his endocrine system with their system of god-complex mathematics, giving him one shiny white glove and promising the other later. Pursuing the priesthood outside of his self, Michael died an old, bamboozled and white man. But the Supreme Mathematics still hold true. So, ABC=123 and the Triple C is Triple Three. The sacred power of the Trinity is misapplied by the C.C.C. in “diverse” ways. Vitamin C3, or Ascorbyl Palmitate, is Vitamin C that has been turned into a fatty acid so that it is lipid-soluble and not just water-soluble. This is a sign and type of the way in which C.C.C. (Collective Caucasian Consciousness) gets applied, or misapplied to the skin. Always preferring to work from the outside inward, we play into the white-gloved hands of the apron-clad adversary, who said to the progenitors of the Adamic race: “Cover your nakedness!”

Now our skin is white. The mark of C.C.CAIN is upon us and as it seeps into our neural tissues it eventually resurfaces in sometimes violent reactions as the mark of K.K.KAIN. Sliding from C to K, 3 to 2 we pretend not to notice our devolution. But inwardly we feel something missing which leaves our immune system vulnerable to attacks from Germ-Men Think Tanks who come to blast our inner children out of the Garden of Eden, round them up and put them in Kinder-Gardens. We strive desperately to focus our concentration in these camps on what is being taught. Even though their religious teachers placed so much importance on the number 12, it is only a side by side grouping of numbers 1 and 2 which if truly joined become 3, so there was never any need for the student to move beyond the 3. Our inner children think that they can once again attain to that level of priesthood they enjoyed in their pre-existential state of completion by completing Sunday School [
